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OCR: a Show Me the Money! It's certainly true that you must cojoy your work to find happiness, and that the best reward in any profession is the satisfaction that comes from doing a great job and gut- ting recognized for it, It's also truc that one of the most popular forms of recognition is a hefty phy raise ,So what morictary rewards can you expect to encounter along your career path? The following table, Birgely excermed from Datantasters' -1997 Computer. Industry Salary Survey shows the average low, median, and high salaries for various positionts'on the West Coast of the U.S. fother areas are generally lower) MEDAN LOWS REGION MEDIAN MEDIAN RIGH CEO 50 $350,000 $2,000,000 $123500 5145.000 VP of Engiacering $123,500 $145,500 $170,000 300.000 VP of Quality Assurance **** $95,000 $96,200 $102.000 $97.500 Project Leader $56.300 $68.300 $75,700 $56.200 Software Engineer $50.000 $58.500 $64.700 $73,900 Sys. Analyst Programamer $43.400 $51,100 $60,700 Range depeils on profitability of the company Assuming a 40 hour week; 45 weeks per year, according to janet Ruhl's Com- puter Consultants Resource page (http://javance.com/-technion/renich ??. html] Source Services Corp, (http://www.experienceondemand.com/features/